Volume 26, Nrs. 1-2, 2004



Part of the 8th IUMRS International Conference  on Advanced Materials, Yokohama, Japan, October 2003.

Guest Editor: Masao Doyama


Preface:  IUMRS Forum on Materials Education and Research page 1
Masao Doyama
Teikyo University of Science and Technology

Japanese Researchers' Perception of Materials Research - Based on “The 7th Technology Foresight Survey” page 3
Jun-ichiro Takano
National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Japan

Materials Research from the View of Industries page 13
Tooru Matsumiya
Nippon Steel Corporation, Japan

Industry-Academia Technology Transfer in Japan page 23
Junichi Kitami
Tokyo Institute of Technology

International Center of Research and Education for Materials,  Tohoku University  page 31
Akihisa Inoue
Tohoku University

Materials Research seen from JSPS Funding - Grants, Future and 21COE page 37
Kenichi Iga
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Education and Research in the COE on Nature-Guided Materials Processing page 41
S. Asai and K. Miyazawa
Nagoya University 

The Unexplored Materials World:  Need for Multicultural Research Endeavours  page 53
P. Rama Rao1 and K. Balasubramanian2
1International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials; 2Nonferrous Materials Technology Development Centre, Hyderabad, India

Materials Science Education and Research in India page 65
D. Chakravorty
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Materials Science Education in the Indian Context and  Plan  for  the  Future page 71
S.V. Subramanyam
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Training the Future Scientist: Making the Transition from “Knowledge” to “Synthesis” page 75
Sobhana Narasimhan
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

Advanced Materials Science Without Advanced Tools: The  Indian  Experience page 83
T. Pradeep
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Rapid Change of Materials Education in Japan page 93
Masao Doyama
Teikyo University of Science and Technology; and University of Tokyo

Materials Education and Accreditation System for Engineering Education in Japan page 99
K. Kuroda
Nagoya University

Comparison of Industry-University Cooperation in Japan and the United States  page 107
Hiroyuki Mizuno
Kochi University of Technology

An Attempt for Materials Education Based on the Concept of Environmental Physics   page 109
M. Kano1 and S, Nakamoto2
1Tokyo University of Science; 2Advanced Earth Science and Technology Organization

Bio  and  Molecular  Chemistry  Pave  New Areas  for Materials  Research  and  Education page 115
Li Heng-De
Tsinghua University, Beijing

The  Present  Situation  and  Developing  Trends  of Materials  Science  and  Engineering  Education  in  China  page 121
Tian-Min Wang and Fa-Min Liu
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Materials Science and Engineering in the U.S. :  A Review of Practices and Trends page 127
L. Vanasupa
California Polytechnic State University

Nanomaterials Education in Taiwan page 139
L. J. Chen
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Materials Science and Engineering Teaching and Research Programs in Singapore  page 143
B.V.R. Chowdari 1,2 and G.V. Subba Rao1 
1National University of Singapore; 2Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore

The  Drexel / UPenn  IGERT:  Creating a New Model for  Graduate  Education  in  Nanotechnology  Page 147
K. Cowan and Y. Gogotsi
Drexel University

Materials Education and Research in Thailand  page 153
Paritud Bhandhubanyong
National Science and Technology Development Agency,  Thailand

The National Program on Nanotechnology in Taiwan page 159
Maw-Kuen Wu1,2 and Jyh-Chang Yang 2,3 
1Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; 2National Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Program, Taipei, Taiwan; 3Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Materials Research in Korea page 165
Yang-Koo Cho1, Gun-Woong Bahng1 and Hak-Min Kim2
1Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science; 2Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning 

Chemistry in Materials Education page 175
C.N.R. Rao
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

Panel Discussion on “Materials Education and Research” :Summary page 179
S.V. Subramanyam
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore