Materials Science Education at Keio University: Adopting U.S. Instruction Practices
in Japan, page 1
Kohei M. Itoh
Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
The New Materials Science and Engineering Curriculum at the Ohio State University
Course for Science Students, page 7
P.K. Grupta, P.M. Anderson, R.G. Buchheit, S.A. Dregia, J.J Lannutti, M.J. Mills,
and R.L. Snyder
The Ohio State University; Georgia Institute of Technology
The Cymbal as an Instructional Device for Materials Education, page 13
Mary Anne White and Peter MacMillan
Dalhousie University
The NSF NSDL "GREEN" Library: Green's Functions Research and Educational Enhancement
Network, page 19
L.M. Bartolo, A.C. Powell, G.M. Shreve and V.K. Tewary
Kent State Universit, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Using Interactive Multimedia Tools to Teach Materials Characterization Techniques
in the Undergraduate Curriculum, page 25
K. Prubner, K. Pingel, J. Becker, H.-P. Dressel, A. Undynko, C. Reiner, M. Schlosse
and H.-J. Christ
University of Siegen, Germany
Managing Student Group Projects in an Introductory Materials Science Course, page 31
Jacqueline A. Isaacs
Northeastern University
Using Interdisciplinary Examples in Nanotechnology to Teach Concepts of Materials
Science and Engineering, page 37
W.C. Crone, A.C. Payne, G.M. Zenner, A.B. Ellis, G.C. Lisensky, S.M. Condren and K.W.
University of Wisconsin - Madison; Beloit College, Beloit, WI; Christian Brothers
Univeersity, Memphis, TN
Incorporating Materials Science into an Undergraduate Applied Physics Curriculum, page 47
Claudio Guerra-Vela and Fredy R. Zypman
University of Puerto Rico at Humacao; Yeshiva University
An Instructional Two-Dimensional Diffraction Laboratory Using Patterns Created with
Electron-Beam Lithography, page 53
Colin Inglefield and Royce Anthon
Weber State University, University of Utah
Web-Based Data Analysis and Feedback for General Chemistry Laboratory: Improving Analysis
with Timely Distance Feedback, page 59
Joseph F. Lomax, Debra K. Dillner and Melonie A. Teichert
United States Naval Academy
The Junior Laboratory: A Place to Introduce Basics as Well as New Findings, page 65
Luz J. Martinez-Miranda, O.C. Wilson, Jr. and L.G. Salamanca-Riba
University of Maryland
An Upper Division General Education Course on Materials for non-Engineering Students, page 71
D.F. Bahr and M.G. Norton
Washington State University Pullman
PUI/MRSEC Collaboration to Create Opportunities for Women in Materials Research, page 79
Velda Goldberg, Michael Kaplan, Leonard Soltzberg, George Malliaras, Helene Schember,
and Nevjinder Singhota
Simmons College; Cornell University
Non-Destructive Techniques for the Characterization of Structural Materials: Materials
Science and Engineering Curriculum for the Education of an Innovative Model, page 85
Antonia Moropoulou, Eleni AggelackopoulouNicolas P. Avdelidis and Maria Koui
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
The Introductory Materials Sciecne and Engineering Course, page 91
William D. Callister, Jr.
University of Utah
A Multi-Functional Introductory Materials Science Course: Emphasizing Engineering
and Achieving Accreditation Objectives, page 101
Katherine C. Chen, Linda S. Vanasupa, and Timothy T. Orling
California Polytechnic State University