Volume 32, Numbers 3 - 4


Announcement:  Forthcoming Conference

International Symposium on Materials Education
Pune, India,  March 26 - 28, 2011

Individual Articles

The Need for a New (Nano)Materials Science and Technology Education 
Marcel H. Van de Voorde
The University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands


Wood and Wood Derived Materials
Witold Brostow, Tea Datashvili and Harrison Miller
The University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203-5017, USA


An Environmentally-Friendly Materials Selection Method:  A Proposal Aimed at First- and Second-Cycle Engineering Students
Lorena Pérez-Redondas1, Juan Asensio-Lozano2 and María Ángeles García3
1Felguera Melt, S.A., Grupo DF, Prol. Ing. Fernando Casariego Av., 33900 Langreo, Spain; 2The School of Mines, University of Oviedo, Independence St., 33004 Oviedo, Spain; 3University of Oviedo, Viesques Campus, 33203 Gijon, Spain


An Overview of Carbon Nanotubes
David Devraj Kumar1, P. V. Thomas2. and  Hassan Mahfuz3
1Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Davie, Florida  33314, USA; 2Mar Ivanios College, Bethany Hills, Trivandrum 695015, India; 3Florida Atlantic University, College of Engineering, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA


How to "Survive" after Graduating in Materials Science  III:  The Peer Review System
Federico Rosei and Tudor W. Johnston
INRS-EMT, Université du Québec, J3X 1S2 Varennes, (QC), Canada


BOOK REVIEW:  "Nanotechnology in Undergraduate Education", by Kimberley A.O. Pacheco, Richard W. Schwenz and Wayne E. Jones, Jr.
Michael Condren
Christian Brothers University, Memphis, TN 38104, USA

Guidelines for Authors   ix
Publication and Subscription Information xiii