Preparing the Materials Researchers of the Future: Who, What, How |
1 |
Implementing an Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Concentration in Nanomaterials Science
and Engineering |
7 |
Trans-disciplinary Graduate and Refresher Programs for Education, Research and Training
in the Fields of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
15 |
NSF NSDL Materials Digital Library & MSE Education |
21 |
Museum Exhibits: Bringing Informal Education into the Classroom |
27 |
An On-Line, Open-Book Quizzing Environment for an Introductory Materials Science Course:
How Measurement is Informing the Process |
35 |
Materials Engineering Education in Two New Engineering Degree Programs at the Centre
for Photovoltaic Engineering |
57 |
The Molecule, the Monomer and Materials Science Education |
69 |
Crystal structure visualizations in three dimensions with support from the open access
Nano-Crystallography Database |
83 |
The Transport Phenomena Archive on the NSDL Materials Digital Library Pathway |
91 |
An Exploration of Microscopy for Educational Applications in the High School Physics
Classroom |
99 |
The future of materials undergraduate programs: Can we avoid extinction? |
105 |
Design and Accreditation for Materials Programs |
113 |
Non-Traditional Assessments for New Learning Approaches: Competency Evaluation in
Project-Based Introductory Materials Science |
121 |
The Effectiveness of Active Undergraduate Research in Materials Science and Engineering |
127 |
The Assessment of the Influence of Summer Research Experiences on Student Academic
Performance |
137 |
An Internship Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Polymer-Based Nanocomposites |
141 |