Guest Editors: Fiona Goodchild, Shenda Baker, Wendy Crone and Susan Rosevear
Based on the MRS Electronic Proceedings Volume 861E, by courtesy of the Materials
Research Society.
Minds-on Science |
87 |
Turning Cutting-Edge Research into Secondary Curriculum |
91 |
Exploring Materials Science with LegoTM Brick Models |
97 |
Conducting Interactive, Online, Web-Based SEM Lessons Around the World |
105 |
Strategies for Developing Cutting-Edge Curriculum and Outreach Materials |
115 |
Integrating Materials Science into the Uruguayan Curricula |
123 |
ScienceLine |
135 |
On the Use of Flash Movies in an Introductory Course on Materials Science |
141 |
The World of Materials Essays: A Writing Intensive Approach to Teaching Materials
Science |
149 |
The NanoKids Educational Outreach Project |
161 |
Broadening Middle-School Students' Images of Science and Scientists at the Fifth Grade
Level |
173 |
An Effective and Engaging Science Module on Measurement |
179 |
Teaching NanoScience in High-School Classroom Using TranSIESTA-CTM Software |
187 |
Employing Microfluidics in the Demonstration of Cell Encapsulation |
195 |
Materials Science and Technology: A Curriculum that Works |
203 |
Research Experiences for Teachers in Materials Science: A Case Study |
211 |
Long Term Integration Plan of Nanotechnology and Material Science into Fourth and
Fifth Grade Science Curriculum |
217 |
1. Metals | 223 |
2. Ceramics | 231 |
3. Polymers | 239 |
4. Wood | 247 |
5. Characterization | 251 |
6. Crystal Growth | 257 |
7. Electronic Materials | 259 |
8. Phase Equilibria | 263 |
9. Cement and Concrete | 265 |
10. Biomaterials | 267 |
11. Mechanical Properties | 269 |
12. Structure and Defects | 276 |
13. Pedagogical | 281 |
14. Other Topics | 305 |