Exercising Materials and Processes Selection Skills within Multidisciplinary Senior
Capstone Design Experiences: A New Educational Approach, page 95
Robert W. Messler, Jr.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Epoxy Thermosets and their Applications II. Thermal Analysis, page 107
Bryan Bilyeu, Witold Brostow and Kevin P. Menard
University of North Texas and Perkin-Elmer, LLC
Electroceramic Device Opportunities with Electrophoretic Deposition, page 131
C.A. Randall, J. Van Tassel, A. Hitomi, A. Daga, R.N. Basu and M. Lanagan
Pennsylvania State University
An Innovative Approach for Training Undergraduate Students in the Research of Materials
Science and Engineering, page 147
P. Ruby Mawasha, Paul C. Lam and T.S. Srivatsan
Wright State University and The University of Akron
Stress Concentration Effects in a Thin Sheet, page 157
Aaron Blicblau
Swinburne University of Technology
The Black Box, page 165
Mike Meier
University of California at Davis