Undergraduate Laboratory - Wear Properties of Materials, page 1
Angela L. Moran, Justin Carsten, and Gina M. Cover
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD 21402
Kinetics of Corrosion in Chemistry Teaching, page 7
Andrej Burewicz and Nikodem Miranowicz
Adam Mickiewiz University
Poznan, Poland
Creep Rates and The Activation Energy for Creep in Solder Alloys Using Self Stressing
Spirals, page 19
A. Greasely, J. Gunaratnam and G.W. Weidman
The Open University
Walton Hall, Mitton Keynes
MK76AA, United Kingdom
A Novel Way to Represent the 32 Crystallographic Point Groups, page 31
Marc De Graef
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, Pa 15213
Phase Change in a One Component System, page 43
Paul W. Brown
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802
Glass Transition in Polymers I: Statistics, page 57
Valery P. Privalko
Instituo de Estructra de la Materia, Consejo Superior de Investigacions Cientificas
Serrane 119
28006 Madrid Spain
Book Review: Dynamic Loading and Characterization of Fiber Reinforced Composites, page 75
Robert L. Sierakowski and Shiuve K. Chaturverdi
Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
Northwestern University
Evanston, Il 60208